Tag Bean Team, You’re it!

July 20th, 2021 by

Tag Us

Hey Bean Team, we thought it was time to turn up the volume of our social media voice! You may have noticed these cute little table tents scattered throughout our West Kendall Toyota showroom! On behalf of our marketing department, we invite you to participate and promote this contest to increase our social media exposure! We want to see more Bean faces and happy customers about to enjoy their sweet ride! All you have to do is use the hashtag #westkendalltoyota, #kendalltoyota, #lexusofwestkendall, or #lexusofkendall to get our attention!

Every week, we will select the most creative photos and post them on our page. The winners will have a chance to receive special prizes. You can post on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat or Tik Tok! If you’re a little social media shy, no worries! You can email us at [email protected] Remember to have fun with it and show us your style! We look forward to reviewing your cool posts!